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Working with landowners

Photo by Kyle Marquardt

作为一家在三个国家开展业务的能源基础设施公司, 我们为与近100家公司建立的合作关系感到自豪,000 landowners across our pipeline and asset network.

How we engage with landowners

与北美各地的土地所有者建立和管理关系对我们的成功至关重要. 这就是为什么我们制定了一套原则,以确保我们与土地所有者的互动以积极和一致的方式进行.

Our guiding principles 与TC能源公司的承诺一致,并植根于我们的核心安全价值观, responsibility, collaboration, innovation and integrity.

Learn more in our latest Report on Sustainability



Case StudyCase study: Our guiding principles in action

作为一家在三个国家开展业务的能源基础设施公司, we’re proud of the relationships we’ve built with landowners. We are guests on our landowners’ property, 因此,他们应该期望以一种符合土地所有者参与指导原则的方式对待他们.

Put into service in 2018, Sundre Crossover管道项目连接了山景城县的天然气供应, Alberta to the U.S. Pacific Northwest and California. 该项目为Sundre镇及周边地区带来了400多万美元的经济效益.

该项目还与几个新的土地所有者建立了关系, including Sandy Rock and her family.  听听桑迪是如何讲述她在TC能源公司的工作经历的,以及我们的员工是如何遵守我们与所有土地所有者合作的指导原则的.



Being a good neighbour means being a safe neighbour, 这就是为什么我们做任何事都要考虑安全因素吗. 我们努力实现零事故工作场所,并在整个运营过程中保持最高的安全记录.

If you live or work near one of our pipelines or facilities, 请下载有关本署安全政策及程序的小册子 safety section of our website.


Do you live or work near a TC Energy pipeline or facility?

Before you dig or cross, visit the Click Before You Dig website.

Please contact us for any additional questions or concerns you may have, or call the landowner helpline in your country:


United States:

United States – Columbia Pipeline Group (CPG):

1-304-357-3625 (Main hotline)

1-888-499-3450 (Project hotline)



Pipelines and facilities located near you

With 93,300 kilometres (57,900 miles) of pipelines, 你可以在北美数百个社区找到我们的设施. View our map for more information.

Remember that if you’re planning to dig or cross, visit the Click Before You Dig website.

View asset map

Frequently Asked Questions